A Better VS Code Outline
Slash your code navigation time by 50%: Effortlessly search, browse, and organize variables and functions in your IDE
Supports all programming languages!!!
🔥Fold & Unfold edit area
🔥Fold & Unfold symbol tree
🔥Jump to symbol position
🔥Search & Filter symbol keywords
🔥Multiple sorting modes
🔥Current file symbol pinned to top
🔥Cross-file symbol pinned to top
🔥Pin the current line to the top and mark it
Supports all programming languages!!!
Available for 3 days trial
$20 for a computer forever
Purchase and configure
Buy -> Configure -> Use
Search and install the OutlinePlus extension
Get the machine code from the upper right corner of the OutlinePlus extension
Paste the machine code into the "Machine Code" input box on the purchase page
Find the generated registration code in your email
Set the registration code in VS code
Finally, restart VS code and hope you enjoy using it!